Working Naturally : Excellent Jurakudai
エクセレント聚楽第の介護職員、アリス マ ロダ タグレ です。
I'm Alis Ma Roda Tagle, a caregiver at Excellent Jurakudai.
I grew up in a rural town in the Philippines. After graduating from school, I worked at a local automobile factory. Like many people my age, I began to feel 「a desire to work in Japan」for my family and myself, so I came to Japan alone at the age of 30. At first, I worked at a toy factory for about five years, but I’ve always been interested on jobs that support people, and I was blessed with an opportunity so I jumped into the world of caregiving.

During the interview, I had a glimpse of the company's warm atmosphere, so I didn't have any major concerns about joining the company and the actual working environment was also very reassuring. Not only my kaigo supervisor who mainly supervise me, but also my senior co-workers, who guide me properly and create a comfortable work environment. Since I was raised in an environment where it is natural to respect my elders, I was able to be easily accepted by the elders.

実際介護の仕事を経験したことで、「自分の生涯の仕事」との思いも強くなり、今後も介護の仕事を続けていきたいと考えています。勿論介護福祉士の資格取得も頑張ります!えくせれんと聚楽第では現在、私の他に2名の外国人の方が働いておられます。どの国籍の方でも、やる気があれば自然と受け入れられる, エクセレントケアシステムはそんな介護の会社です!
Having an actual experience in caregiving has strengthened my belief that it will be my lifetime job, and I would like to continue working in caregiving industry in the future. Of course, I will also do my best to be a Certified Caregiver.
There are two other foreign staff currently working at Excellent Jurakudai. People of any nationality packed with motivation will be accepted naturally, Excellent Care System is such a nursing care company.

介護士 / アリス マ ロダ タグレ
Caregiver / Alis Ma Roda Tagle